Right and responsibilities

Ballarat Community Health (BCH) is committed to providing accessible, safe and high-quality services. We can support your individual needs.

BCH has adopted the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights (the Charter), across all our services alongside other charters where relevant, for example the Age Care, NDIS, Mental Health Charters of Rights and Aboriginal Cultural Rights.

The Charter describes your rights, and those of families and carers. The Charter is available in 17 languages, Braille and audio versions. You can also download our easy to read Rights and Responsibilities factsheet.

Your Rights

Access, Safety and Respect

You have the right to access services that are safe and respectful.

We welcome people of all ages, health status, races, abilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, religious, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, no matter their financial status.

In the spirit of reconciliation and self-determination we are committed to working alongside and learning from First Nations people and First Nations controlled organisations.

We recognise that children are at special risk of harm. We are committed to providing an environment where children and young people feel safe. Please see our Safety and wellbeing of children and young people page.

Communication and Participation

We will use a person-centred, partnership approach so you will always be a part of decisions about your care. You can include the people that you want in your healthcare planning and decision making. You can make decisions with your healthcare provider, to the extent that you choose and are able to. We welcome questions and encourage you to have open and honest communication with us. We will communicate with you in a way that is meaningful to you and your support network. We will advise of any potential costs related to your service access.

Privacy and Information

We are committed to handling your personal information with care. We collect and store information in line with privacy law. For more information, please refer to our Privacy and Confidentiality page or download our easy to read factsheet.

Provide feedback

You can give us feedback in relation any experience you have had with our team and services. You can download our easy to read compliments and complaints factsheet. You can access our Feedback form here.

Your Responsibilities

BCH is committed to supporting and protecting our staff and clients accessing services. For us to do this, you have the responsibility to;

  •  Act in a safe and respectful way towards other clients, staff, and volunteers
  • Respect the privacy of other people at BCH.
  • Let us know if your details or needs change.
  • Provide us with information about yourself to help us provide you with the best care.
  • Attend your appointments on time.
  • Let us know if you cannot attend your appointment with as much notice as you can.
  • Make sure your house is safe for our staff if they need to visit you at your home.
  • Let us know if you are having difficulties paying any fees related to your care.
Make an appointment
Sexual Health Clinic
Call us

Call our Lucas, Sebastopol, Wendouree and Victoria Street sites on
(03) 5338 4500 and headspace on (03) 5304 4777.

Give feedback