The Wellbeing in Nature Calendar was developed to encourage young people and families to get outside and explore the natural areas in and around Ballarat.
The calendar provides activities for individuals and groups, including mindfulness strategies and promoting positive mental health outcomes. All the photos are as a result of a competition headspace Ballarat ran in 2020 to encourage young people to get outside safely during the COVID lockdowns. There’s also a QRcode to provide more information and facts about the locations.
The calendar is a project supported by the Ballarat HANA (Healthy & Active in Nature Alliance) with the DELWP, City of Ballarat, Parks Victoria, YMCA, DHHS, Ballarat Community Health and headspace Ballarat. There are two winners of the photography competition and the Camera House has supported headspace Ballarat in providing the prizes.
The calendar has been developed with funds generously provided to headspace Ballarat from community fundraising activities and community donations.
You can pick up yours for free from the headspace Ballarat office at 28 Camp Street Ballarat.