The SSMART ASSK program is a party-safe, harm minimisation program designed to reduce year 9 students’ risk-taking behaviour. The program specifically aims to reduce the risks, and potential harms, of using alcohol, other drugs and e-cigarettes. Alcohol fuelled harms could include injury, sexual assault and violence.

Students participate in four learning stations facilitated by BCH and other partner organisations.
Station topics include:
• Alcohol and Other Drugs
• Party First-Aid (Recovery Position)
• Sexual Health (Consent & STIs)
• Vaping

After the stations, students watch a live theatre performance from the BCH Creative Learning Team. The performance depicts a party scene where young people are using alcohol, vapes and other drugs and experience alcohol fuelled harms. The Program concludes with a Performance Discussion conducted by a Youth Resource Officer from Victoria Police and a Q&A session.

Some of content presented in the learning stations, and depicted in the live theatre performance, can be confronting. Students are informed of this at the beginning of the Program and are encouraged to speak to a teacher or a Wellbeing staff member if they feel uncomfortable at any time.

Alcohol, other drugs or vapes shouldn’t ruin social occasions for young people. By participating in the SSMART ASSK Program, students are encouraged to look after themselves, their friends, seek help when needed and have a party plan.

Please note that access to BCH health education sessions, including the SSMART ASSK Program, is only for schools implementing the Health Promoting Schools Framework.

Healthy Communities

Make an appointment
Sexual Health Clinic
Call us

Call our Lucas, Sebastopol, Wendouree and Victoria Street sites on
(03) 5338 4500 and headspace on (03) 5304 4777.

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