View Ballarat Community Health’s position statements and statements of commitment on a variety of subjects below. These documents provide BCH’s official stance on any of the given issues, and help to direct our mission, values and vision.

Statements of commitment

Statements of Commitment are our pledge to deliver on our purpose and describe our actions to improve health outcomes in our community.

Statement of Commitment to Gender Equity

At Ballarat Community Health (BCH) gender equality is a fundamental human right and that everyone deserves equal opportunities, regardless of their gender identity. The principle of gender equity recognises that there are inherent inequalities across societies, including workplaces, and that processes and efforts to redress these need to be commonplace..

June 2024

Statement of Commitment Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Intersex & Queer (LGBTIQ)

BCH is proud to have been awarded Rainbow Tick accreditation in 2017 and strives to continue to
provide services to the LGBTIQ community that are responsive, appropriate, safe and inclusive. This
commitment has been demonstrated through a number of existing initiatives, including the
establishment of a Trans and Gender Diverse Clinic. BCH is a committed ally and advocate, shining a light on specific challenges and opportunities, and amplifying community voices.

January 2020

Statement of Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reconciliation

First Nations cultural practices have sustained this country for tens of thousands of years and we both recognise and value the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. We also believe that constitutional reform, including recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the Land and Waterways now known as Australia, is a critical step in this country’s journey towards reconciliation.

June 2023

Children and Young People's Safety and Wellbeing

BCH recognises that children are at special risk of harm and that health organisations need to consider the physical, emotional and cultural safety of children in the provision of services to them and their families. BCH is committed to providing an environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives and to disclose concerns they may have about their safety.

June 2022

Position Statements

Ballarat Community Health has developed a range of evidence based position statements on key topics that publicly present our official philosophy or belief in relation to matters that impact the health of our communities. These are designed to help readers better understand the issue, communicate solutions to problems, advocate for change and inform decision-making.

The right to safe, secure and affordable housing

Ballarat Community Health strongly supports a person’s right to accurate, unbiased sexual and reproductive health information – including options counselling – to support their informed decision-making and health and wellbeing.

Oct 2023

The Voice

Ballarat Community Health (BCH) supports Voice, Treaty and Truth, called for in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, as important first steps in Australia’s reconciliation journey towards a brighter, more equitable future.

August 2023

Reducing Tobacco and E-Cigarette Harm

Ballarat Community Health (BCH) supports and promotes the reduction of tobacco and e-cigarette harm within our community.

May 2023

COVID-19 vaccinations

Ballarat Community Health (BCH) is a health and community services provider, providing front line health care services, as well as supporting public health strategies to manage the COVID 19 global health pandemic. BCH will continue to advocate and promote vaccination as a vital measure in keeping the community safe.

December 2022

Ballarat Community health Position Statement: Termination of Pregnancy

Ballarat Community Health’s core purpose is to support the Health and wellbeing for all with a commitment to the most vulnerable. We seek a future where everyone has a home and no one individual or family is excluded from this basic right and security.

June 2022

Aboriginal reconciliation

In December 2007 the Council of Australian Governments made a commitment to Close the Gap in health, educational and employment outcomes between Aboriginal Peoples and the rest of the Australian community.
BCH supports actions and works in partnership with Aboriginal community controlled organisations and Aboriginal Peoples and Communities in accordance with our organisation’s vision and mission to support communities to achieve the best possible health and wellbeing and the vision of Korin-Korin Balit- Djak of self-determining, health and safe Aboriginal Peoples and Communities.

October 2019

Pill testing of illicit drugs

Ballarat Community Health works in collaboration with partners across the Grampians Loddon
Mallee to improve health outcomes for people who use drugs. Anyone who consumes any illicitly
manufactured pill puts themselves at risk of adverse consequences, including death. Advocating for
pill testing is a natural extension of Ballarat Community Health’s harm reduction philosophy.

February 2019

MATOD dispensing fees - Cost of medication assisted Treatment of opioid dependence

Ballarat Community Health is the lead agency for Orticare Pharmacotherapy Network. Orticare
works closely with partners in primary care, community health and alcohol and drugs treatment to
deliver improved access to pharmacotherapy across the Grampians and Loddon Mallee regions – a
geographic area covering more than a third of the state.

February 2019

Advertising of Unhealthy Foods and Beverages to Children

Ballarat Community Health works in partnership with the community to create opportunities and supportive environments which empower people to achieve the best possible health and wellbeing.
Ballarat Community Health’s role is to advocate for restrictions on the advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages to children, and to support relevant campaigns from networks and organisations such as Parents’ Voice, Diabetes Victoria, Cancer Council Australia, VicHealth and YMCA Victoria.

September 2018

Fast Food Outlets

Across our region there is currently a significant commitment to action and a growing groundswell of interest to improve health outcomes for our communities. In 2017, the Central Highlands Regional Partnership funded the Prevention Lab to strengthen obesity prevention effort in the Central Highlands of Victoria and identify and act on key opportunities and leverage points for action. Within this project, BCH are taking a lead on exploring opportunities to advocate to all levels of Government for regulatory changes to make it easier for people in Central Highlands to make healthy food choices.

July 2018

Sugar tax

Ballarat Community Health has a strong focus on illness prevention and health promotion. Our
mission is to create opportunities and supportive environments which empower people to develop
optimal health and wellbeing. This includes working with individuals, schools, workplaces and the
broader community to advocate for, influence and promote healthy eating habits. Work needs to be done on many fronts, in a comprehensive and coordinated way, to get people eating a better-quality diet, which will help address issues such as obesity and diet-related chronic diseases.

May 2018

Smoke free living

Ballarat Community Health is one of the leading agencies in the region to advocate for change in
relation to supporting tobacco free living. We are a member of the Victorian Network of Smoke Free
Healthcare Services, committed to the delivery of safe quality care and information in relation to
tobacco use and nicotine dependence. Ballarat Community Health delivers health promotion (including advocating for tobacco free living), QUIT training and information sessions to workplaces and schools (group programs) and individual smoking cessation support to people living in Ballarat and surrounding areas.

January 2018

Gambling Harm

Ballarat Community Health (BCH) recognises that gambling harm impacts many within our
community and is a significant cause of inequality and hardship. Relationship breakdown, stress, depression, family violence, child neglect, crime, suicidal thoughts and suicide are some of the impacts of gambling.

April 2018


Ballarat Community Health is lead agency for Orticare Pharmacotherapy Network. We work closely
with our partners in primary care, community health and alcohol and drugs treatment to deliver
improved access to pharmacotherapy across the Grampians and Loddon Mallee regions – a
geographic area covering more than a third of the state.

October 2017


Ballarat Community Health is working with our partners in general practice, pharmacy and AOD
treatment services to increase the prescribing and dispensing of naloxone. Anyone using any type of
opioid is potentially at risk of overdose. Several Ballarat Community Health staff are also trained and accredited by the Penington. Institute to provide ‘overdose educator’ training to clients and support people on how to
respond to overdose, including administering naloxone.

October 2017

Needle and syringe exchange program (NSP)

Needle and Syringe Programs (NSP’s) form part of the Australian National Drug Strategy: the aim of
NSPs is to reduce the spread of blood borne viral infections among injecting drug users, and thereby
the general community. Ballarat Community Health (BCH) operates a Needle and Syringe Program from three sites in Ballarat (Sebastopol, Wendouree and Lucas) as well as a limited outreach service. The BCH NSPs provide
sterile injecting equipment and disposal options to reduce risks associated with inappropriately
disposed injecting equipment.

June 2016

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