For carers of a person with a mental health condition or drug &/or alcohol challenges

Practical Support

You may have had to give up your job, or are struggling with costs of services. Explore the options for financial and practical help:

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Joining Carers Victoria is free and membership provides free passes to the zoo and other group activities including art and craft therapy.
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See your GP and ask for a mental health plan (or possibly a complex mental health plan) for the person you care for and possibly a separate one for yourself depending on how well you are coping/ not coping with being a new carer. This will give:
Free counselling sessions
Free specialists appointments related to specific identified needs (occupational therapist, speech pathologist etc.)
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This national website can help provide support packages and planned respite.
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For food and food vouchers, or help paying ulility bills etc. call:
Ballarat Community Health – 5338 4500
Anglicare Ballarat –1800 809 722
Uniting Ballarat – 5332 1286
Catholic Care – 5337 8999
Salvation Army – 5337 0600
St Vincent’s emergency relief - 1800 305 330
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Hover over for more information about this service
Centrelink – you may be able to apply for government benefits. Payments are assessed and made from the day you submit your application (not back dated to the time you begin caring) and it takes a while to complete and gather all the required medical reports back from doctors so start as soon as possible. Ask about and apply for: Carers Payment
Carers Allowance
Isolated Children’s Payment
Family Tax Benefit

Contact Us: Carer Supports

Your (Carer's) Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Call us to speak with a team member: 03 5338 4500

Make an appointment
Sexual Health Clinic
Call us

Call our Lucas, Sebastopol, Wendouree and Victoria Street sites on
(03) 5338 4500 and headspace on (03) 5304 4777.

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