NDIS support co-ordination

The purpose of NDIS support coordination (provided by an accredited NDIS support coordinator) is to connect participants with an NDIS plan to supports and services in the community. Our role is to compliment your life and help put your NDIS plan into action.

A support/specialised support coordinator will assist you to:

  • understand how you can use your NDIS plan to meet your goals
  • manage those resources effectively to get the best outcome from your plan
  • work with other people in your circle of support (family, friends, service providers and therapists, as well as community and mainstream supports, such as doctors)
  • monitor the progress and outcomes of achieving your goals.
  • prepare for your next NDIS review meeting.
Type of Support Support descriptors Tasks include but are not limited to
Support Coordination
Level 2 (High)

Support to put in place a mix of supports to increase a participant’s capacity to maintain relationships, manage tasks, live more independently, and be included in their community.

It builds the participant’s confidence and skills to direct their lives, not just their services.

  • Understand the plan
  • Implementation, monitoring and reviewing of plan
  • Connect with services and supports
  • Establish supports
  • Build capacity and resilience
  • Crisis: Planning, Prevention, Mitigation and Action
  • Complete reports as required by NDIA
Specialist Support Coordination
Level 3 (Very High)

A higher level of support for participants whose situations are more complex and who need specialist support.

A specialist support coordinator will assist participants to manage challenges in their support environment and ensure a consistent delivery of service.

Includes above tasks and:

  • Assist participants to address barriers and complexities impacting plan implementation
  • Negotiate appropriate support solutions with multiple stakeholders
  • Design Complex Service Plan

Support coordination has four stages

  1. Engagement: meeting with you (and your circle of supports) to compile a picture of your life. During this meeting, a service agreement will be developed that outlines how we may work together. If you decide you want us as your chosen service provider for the co-ordination of supports, you will need to sign the service agreement.
  2. Planning: your support coordinator will then meet with you to talk about how to meet your NDIS goals and to understand your funded support categories. Together your will form a unique, tailored, capacity-building approach to achieve the goals you designed in your NDIS plan meeting that reflects your specific needs, desires and aspirations.
  3. Implementation: your support coordinator will meet with you to assist you to navigate the NDIS through connecting and coordinating informal, mainstream and funded supports found in the service delivery environment. We will support you to make your NDIS planned goals happen.
  4. Monitoring: once supports and services are established, we will continue to work with you to monitor your goals, needs and aspirations. We do this by keeping records about how your goals are being achieved and will also note any changes you may wish to apply to your next NDIS plan (which typically happens once a year).

We can meet with you in your home or at any of our sites.

For more information, get in contact with us directly on (03) 5338 4500 and ask for support coordination services or, alternatively, make an enquiry via the customer service menu to the right-hand side of your screen.

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Sexual Health Clinic
Call us

Call our Lucas, Sebastopol, Wendouree and Victoria Street sites on
(03) 5338 4500 and headspace on (03) 5304 4777.

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