Early Years Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to the Early Years eNews for Term 2! Each term there will be a new edition providing information, resources and ideas to support health and wellbeing in your service.
Please submit any ideas or suggestions for content, or any projects you are doing to promote health and wellbeing within your service that we could showcase.
We’d like to welcome Amanda to the Early Years team – Amanda is your best contact for all Smiles 4 Miles enquiries and will be making contact with many of you.
It’s fantastic to see the engagement from services in both Smiles 4 Miles and the Achievement Program so far and we are excited to see this continue for the remainder of the year.
You can reach both Kira or Amanda with any queries or questions you may have for either program at our new centralised email address – [email protected]
We are more than happy to help – it is our job!
We would be very grateful if you could please take the time to complete the below survey. Your feedback is valuable to us and will help us provide the best support to you that we can.
Thank you to those who have already participated in the Grampians Health Ballarat Dental Clinic visits. It is great to see such enthusiastic uptake with this service. We look forward to hearing about the dental visits as they continue throughout the year.
More than half of the services engaged in Smiles 4 Miles are in the process of applying for their award throughout this year. Please keep a look out for any communication regarding Oral Health & Healthy Eating policy and/or menu assessment (if your service provides food) in the coming weeks. We hope to begin this process early to support many services to achieve these steps, with as many services as possible awarded throughout 2023.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any queries or questions at any stage.
Smiles 4 Miles seeks to create a whole-of setting approach, bringing children, staff, management, families, and the wider community together to continuously promote oral health, healthy eating and improved health and wellbeing outcomes. This mission can be achieved through providing learning experiences and family engagement activities at your service.
This term, the key message ‘Eat Well’ could be a focus for your promotion. Examples of learning experiences to involve the children and families may include:
• Creative learning: Creating a fruit and vegetable face at morning tea time. Providing children with an opportunity to learn about ‘everyday’ and ‘sometimes’ foods.
• Constructing a collage/poster/mural: Using packaging or pictures of foods the children bring in their lunch boxes to construct a collage, poster, or mural. Providing an opportunity for children to learn about ‘everyday’ and ‘sometimes’ foods and eating the rainbow.
• Interactive experiences: Reading books such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle or I Do Not Eat The Colour Green by Lynne Rickards as an interactive experience where children can be involved in a discussion about ‘everyday’ and ‘sometimes’ foods and the importance of baby teeth for eating, talking, and smiling.
Accessing Local Public Dental Services
It is important that children access dental health services on an annual basis to support optimal development, and health and wellbeing from the age of 2.
Public dental clinics have schemes in place to financially support access to dental health services if needed. For children aged 0 to 12, general dental care (including routine examination, check-ups, cleaning, extractions, fillings, and fissure sealants) is free if the child or parent hold a concession card.
According to Dental Health Services Victoria, children or families who do not hold a concession card can be charged approximately $36 per child per appointment for general dental care at a public clinic. The most your family will pay is $140.
Dental services and advice can also be covered through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. For more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, including assessing eligibility, please access myGov, contact the Medicare program through Services Australia on 132 011 or access the link below.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule – Services Australia
The details of the public dental clinics in the Ballarat and surrounding areas are below:
Grampians Health Ballarat Dental Clinic (previously Ballarat Health Services)
Address: Cnr Hertford Street and Tuppen Drive, Sebastopol, 3356
Phone: 5320 4225
Central Highlands Rural Health: Creswick
Address: 1 Hill Street, Creswick, 3363
Phone: 5345 9150
Central Highlands Rural Health: Daylesford
Address: 13 Hospital Street, Daylesford, 3460
Phone: 5321 6550
We are very excited to welcome two new services to the Achievement Program:
Goodstart Early Learning Ballarat – Creswick Road
Yirram Burron Early Learning Centre
A huge congratulations to the following services for recently completing one or more Health Priority Areas:
Brown Hill Kindergarten: Climate & Health
Goodstart Early Learning Ballarat – Creswick Road: Sun Protection
Perridak Burron Early Learning: Mental Health and Wellbeing
Woady Yaloak Kindergarten: Climate & Health
Sebastopol South Kindergarten: Climate & Health
Yirram Burron Early Learning: Sun Protection; Healthy Eating & Oral Health
Keep up the amazing work!
SunSmart are hosting a free webinar for teachers and early childhood educators:
‘All about sunscreen’
Thursday 3rd August 2023
Online via Zoom
Dr Fabrizio Spada, Scientific Affairs Manager at Ego Pharmaceuticals, will present this webinar. Dr Spada will share his extensive sunscreen knowledge and answer the many questions we have about slopping on sunscreen.
This presentation will include:
• What is sunscreen?
• How does sunscreen actually work?
• Do we really need sunscreen? Why?
• How do we know which sunscreen is safe/good to use?
• SPF 30, 50, 50+ – what does it all mean?
• Who should apply sunscreen?
• How should we apply sunscreen and how much do we need?
• When should we apply and reapply sunscreen?
Numbers are limited so please register in advance. You can register here: All about sunscreen: SunSmart Webinar
Find more information here: SunSmart schools & early childhood – SunSmart
*The webinar will be recorded and uploaded to the SunSmart website*
Lunchbox Tips
We want to continue encouraging parents and carers to pack a healthy lunchbox for their children all throughout the year. A healthy lunchbox doesn’t have to be complicated!
Below are some resources you may like to share with your service community:
Pick & Mix 1-6
The Department of Health and Human Services’ Pick & Mix 1-6 poster provides a range of ideas and practical tips to inspire families to create healthy lunchboxes.
Pick and mix one tasty option from each of the five core food groups to create a healthy lunchbox every day:
1. Fruit (e.g. fresh, frozen, pureed and canned in natural juice)
2. Vegetables, legumes and beans
3. Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives
4. Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans
5. Grain (cereal) foods
6. Plain water
You can download a copy here: Pick & Mix 1-6 Poster
HEAS: The keys to a healthy sandwich
Download a copy here
Nutrition Australia: Healthier lunchbox swaps
Download a copy here
Nutrition Australia: The uneaten lunchbox
Some helpful tips that may be contributing to uneaten lunches.
Download a copy here
We are officially heading into winter, even though it has felt like it here in Ballarat for too long already!
Here is a yummy soup recipe to help keep warm, from the Healthy Eating Advisory Service (HEAS).
1. Heat oil in a large pot, add onion and garlic sweat off for 5 minutes.
2. Add chicken thigh meat and cook off for 5-10 minutes, add potato and cook for a further 5 minutes, stirring often.
3. Add chicken stock and pepper, bring to the boil, turn down to a simmer and cook for 35-45 minutes.
4. Add the corn kernels and parsley to the soup, cook for another 10 minutes.
You can access the full recipe to download and print here: ECS recipe Chicken, potato and sweet corn soup
This recipe is sourced from the Western District Health Service GREEN Recipe Booklet, which includes over 150 recipes that have all been assessed by HEAS.
Vaping is Prohibited in Smoke-Free Areas
Vaping (use of e-cigarettes) has become increasingly more common over time and many people who have never smoked are now using e-cigarette products. This is contributing to a lack of understanding in the community that the laws that apply to smoking, also apply to vaping.
Kindergartens and childcare centres can order up to 6 A3 “No smoking or vaping” metal signs free of charge here – Update your signage
Mailing address
Early Years Team
Healthy Communities
Ballarat Community Health
12 Lilburne St, Lucas 3350
Email: [email protected]
Kira: 0490 679 930
Amanda: 0491 097 132