Vic Kids Eat Well with Ballarat Community Health

A great education starts with kids having the energy and focus to learn at school. However, many of the ultra-processed and packaged food and drink products still sold in some school canteens are packed full of cheap ingredients, like sugar and salt, that don’t give kids the nutrition they need to get through the school day.
But this is changing.

Dozens of school communities have signed up to the Vic Kids Eat Well movement and have been supported to make positive changes to their canteens through simple steps to boost delicious, fresh and healthier food and drink options, giving kids access to the fuel they need to learn and thrive.

The movement focuses on four key actions

  • Offering healthier drinks and reducing sugary options
  • Switching to more nutritious snacks and reducing confectionary
  • Boosting salads and vegetables in the menu
  • Promoting healthier fundraising, celebration days and meal deals

Schools and Outside School Hours Care (OHSC) services are eligible to receive a range of rewards for making simple changes and healthy swaps that make a big impact.

Join the Vic Kids Eat Well movement today! Contact the Health Promoting Schools Team to find out how we can support your school.
But this is changing.

Healthy Eating & VKEW in schools

Healthy Communities

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