
A community food growing project to help start your home food growing journey.

What is the HomeGrown project?

The HomeGrown Project provides gardening advice, workshops and gardening supplies, like seedlings, to help you grow food at home. Membership is FREE and includes gardening support, troubleshooting, a monthly e-newsletter, gardening supplies and practical workshops to get your home food growing journey started.

How do I join?

Fill out a membership form at the HomeGrown Project stall at the monthly FoodBank Farms to Families Market or complete one online (link below)

How can I help?

You can help by returning your seedling pots or food cans each month for reuse. You can also help us grow seedlings to share with others, strike some cuttings, share your gardening tips or share a recipe with other home growers.

Who do I contact for more information?

Amanda, HomeGrown project worker is at the FoodBank Farms to Families Market each month for a chat.
You can also email [email protected] or call 0491 097 132.

Complete the online form to join!

Make an appointment
Sexual Health Clinic
Call us

Call our Lucas, Sebastopol, Wendouree and Victoria Street sites on
(03) 5338 4500 and headspace on (03) 5304 4777.

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