Rights & Responsibilities

Ballarat Community Health (BCH) is committed to providing you with a high level of health and related services, specific to your individual needs and consistent with current best practice.

Access, safety and respect

BCH recognises and celebrates the diversity of the communities within which we work.

We welcome and work with people of all ages and health status, of all races, abilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, religious, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, no matter their financial status.

We acknowledge the first peoples of Australia and their unique contribution and acknowledge the devastating impact of colonisation on the Traditional life and on the ongoing health, wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal Communities. In the spirit of reconciliation and self-determination we are committed to working alongside Aboriginal community controlled organisations and Aboriginal Peoples and Communities to improve Aboriginal health, safety and wellbeing.

We also recognise that children are at special risk of harm and that health organisations need to consider the physical, emotional and cultural safety of children in the provision of services to them and their families and are committed to providing an environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives and to disclose concerns they may have about their safety. For further information about our commitments and practices please see our Safety and wellbeing of children and young people page

For further details of your rights please see our Client Information page


We are committed to working in partnership with you and taking a client-centred approach to your care where you will always be a part of decisions about your care.

Privacy and information

We are committed to handling your personal information with care and in accordance with privacy law.

You can choose who sees your information (unless required otherwise by law, if there is a medical emergency or when there are concerns for a person’s safety). You can be anonymous and you can choose who will be at an interview.

For further information on how we will handle your information and uphold your privacy please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Provide feedback

Our staff are committed to continually improving the quality of the services they deliver and value all forms of feedback including complements, complaints and comments.

If you want to give feedback you can tell any BCH staff member and they can assist.

If you don’t want to speak about it with our staff, you can write your feedback. For further information on our processes and to access our client feedback form please refer to our Client Feedback page.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Rights

If you are accessing mental health services through BCH and have concerns or are unhappy with the response you’ve received from us, you can contact the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commissioner. Please refer to Statement of rights | health.vic.gov.au to understand your rights and Information for carers, families and supporters | www.mhwc.vic.gov.au for information and access to the services of the Commission.

Your Charter Rights

Ballarat Community Health (BCH) is committed to upholding and ensuring our clients are aware of your charter rights. For further information please refer to the links below

Further information on your rights and responsibilities can be found on our Client Information page.

Make an appointment
Sexual Health Clinic
Make an enquiry
Give feedback