Tobacco (e-cigarettes), alcohol & other drugs

Harms associated with tobacco (e-cigarettes), alcohol and other drugs (TAOD), including accidents, injury and violence, are particularly high for young people. Drugs and alcohol can also interfere with adolescent developing brains. Evidence-best practice for schools and health services in this area is to promote harm minimisation education and health resources to empower young people increase their knowledge and skills to make the best decisions for themselves and their peers.

Tobacco (e-cigarettes), alcohol and other drugs education is a key health priority area of the Health Promoting Schools Framework. This is an exciting opportunity for students, families and staff to become key partners in planning and implementation of school policies, procedures, and best practice in this area.

We can help your school achieve best practice in the Alcohol & Other Drug priority area by:

  • helping develop an TAOD policy for the school
  • providing newsletter articles + social media and website content
  • providing smoke-free and vape-free signage for display in high traffic areas
  • providing resources for your offices & referral pathways to local health services at BCH and/or headspace Ballarat
  • professional development and support for school staff
  • providing FREE access to a suite of health education sessions & resources, including the SSMART ASSK Program

Download the Health Promoting Schools Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs pdf

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Call our Lucas, Sebastopol, Wendouree and Victoria Street sites on
(03) 5338 4500 and headspace on (03) 5304 4777.

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