Exercise physiology

Your body is meant to be active, which is why oftentimes the best remedy for many conditions and injuries is actually very simple—exercise! That’s where exercise physiologists come in.

Exercise physiologists are university-qualified allied health professionals who specialise in the delivery of exercise, lifestyle and behaviour modification programs for the prevention and management of chronic diseases and injuries. They provide services to clients with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, cancer, arthritis, COPD and many more.

Exercise physiology is available for anyone wanting to change their exercise behaviour, but can be particularly useful if you have a specific injury or condition that requires some sort of lifestyle modification. In such cases, our exercise physiologists will work with you to improve your health, fitness and quality of life by making these conditions more manageable.

An initial assessment is 60 minutes and a review is 30-60 minutes, depending on the exercise prescription required. It is recommended that you wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing to the assessment. Before commencing most programs you must complete a pre-exercise screening tool form as part of the BCH intake process and be assessed by an exercise physiologist or physiotherapist for the most appropriate exercise prescription.

Exercise physiologist-led programs include:

For more information or to book an appointment, make an enquiry or request a call from the customer service menu to the right-hand side of your screen. Alternatively, call us directly on (03) 5338 4500.

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